Samuel Kramer

Web Design/Development and Marketing

All Graphic Design Development UX/UI Design

Bed and Breakfast

Bed and Breakfast


This website is a made-up bed and breakfast website I made located in Cape Cod. This website demonstrates my fundamental understanding of HTML and CSS.

Dynamic Media Player

Bed and Breakfast


This website is a guitar-oriented media player for guitar instruction. It displays the required chords in sync with the song to learn how to play a song. This demonstrates my comprehension of building dynamic media players with JavaScript.

User Experience Design

Bed and Breakfast


This page contains user experience designs and workflow. I included my proposed solution and prototype and everything else I used to complete my design.

Digital Interface Design

Bed and Breakfast


This page contains my digital interface designs. I included a prototype, a pitch deck and a support page for desktop.

Soccer Store

Bed and Breakfast


This project is a mock soccer store with two alternating dynamic slide shows displaying various products. This website demonstrates my understanding of building dynamic websites with JavaScript and focuses less on CSS.

Digital illustrations

Bed and Breakfast


These images were made using adobe illustrator. The page contains a funny comic book and more.

Digital Imaging

Bed and Breakfast


These images were made in photoshop and include many projects like photo repair, surrealism, advertisements and more.


Bed and Breakfast


This page contains my hand drawn and animated short videos using adobe animate.